August 2005
OK, I haven't had the time to update this page due to the amount of professional work coming in (and going out) the door.
Not to mention keeping two sites up to date and trying to direct the workers digging up everything around the house. But still, it has been an exhilarating few months, where I seem to have been glued to the screen and ink pens. The results of my labours can be seen at my
Baguette Magique site.

I am pleasantly surprised that I have been asked by so many, to design, draw and write for them. Thank you all.
Between the websites, brochures and illustrations, I chucked some paint around and had a thoroughly good time doing it. Once I take the time to do so, I forget everything and am totally involved, losing all idea of time. Bliss.

My mum is coming for her first visit. In fact she will be the first of my family to come and see us in France. She took up painting about five years ago. We are both looking forward to doing some watercolours and catching up.
Hopefully on a hillside, with a picnic, wine and the Pyrenees in view. Magnifique!

"OK, could you take me through that colour theory stuff again?"
Me, giving my first-ever art lesson, to a very smart, young artist.
(Thanks Zöe, you taught me a few things too.)
A bientôt,