It's weird. We have done a lot of work on the back of the house, yet we don't
seem to have that many photos. Anyway, here's what we have and
what we've done.

The first row of planks go in as we start the parquet floor of the mezzanine.
Anyway, we have just finished laying the parquet floor of the mezzanine above
the chai, the main bathroom has it's drawers in place and the ceilings at the back
have now all been sanded, jointed and painted. The upper part of the back wall of
stone has been washed and made dust free, by hand. Poor Caroline was
determined to get it done.
Thankfully we have had Caroline's parents here. They have helped us enormously
with the daily stuff as well as encouraging us to tackled the jobs we have been
holding off on.

Caroline and Marianne cleaning the wall of dust that has settled over the
last 200 years or more.
Next week, the balustrade for the mezzanine will be cut and placed. We are
using an old manger grill of old oak that we found in one of the barns. The parquet
will get a few coats of varnish and we can then begin on the ground floor. The plan
being to get it ready for Perry to move in and set up his studio at the end of February.

Ernest helping us with the fine work of joining the planks at a 45 degree angle.

Everything going to plan, as they say.

The finished thing.

Meanwhile, we were still busy preparing the joints and staining the beams above Perry's future office.

Caroline adding the colour to the beams before we allowed the painter loose.
Perry was too busy with work and Caroline's shoulder gave out, so we decided to let someone else get a stiff neck to joint and paint the ceiling.

Perry closing off the outside of the guest bathroom walls.

Perry cutting off the overlapping Lewis plates that support the bathroom floor
next door. Then the work of placing the parquet floor can begin.

We set up the scaffolding under the floor to make the work easier. Every few rows, we had to move it further along. It helped catch the nails and hammers we dropped and didn't break our backs from leaning over the planks so much. Bending down on hands and knees is no fun, however old you are!

The floor is now laid, the staircase sides are closed and we are going to start preparing the old manger rail to make the balustrade. Then we'll start insulating the ceiling and plaster boarding it. Lighting will later be added so that Perry can exhibit and illuminate his work on the walls.
This update is a little short! The next update will show you more of or our progress.
A bientôt.
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