Caroline & Perry's life in SW FranceApril 2009 |
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April came with its showers, which seemed non stop. The temperatures we had been enjoying in March suddenly dropped and we were burning logs at a great rate again. Meanwhile, northern Europe was having glorious weather. Very strange. All the farmers are happy that they were able to work their fields before the downpours, now to have the window of weather to plant the maize. You say tomato, I say dead plant Them pesky deer! Asking around we managed to get a couple of trailer loads of branches and even cut the shoots from our neighbours trees (with their permission of course!). By digging a row of holes, and plunging four branches in each, we started to create a weave down the garden. The south and west sides now have a very pretty hedge and next year we will be able to cut the new crop of branches from our friendly sources and complete the job. Since we'll be having chickens running around soon, we will need to weave smaller branches horizontally through the hedge, from the ground up to about knee height to stop them from getting to the gooseberries, loganberries and raspberries! Grelinette, what's that? The bales of straw we put on the garden to keep the weeds off in the winter worked well, but there was a lot of corn grain amongst it and they germinated. So now we have a small cornfield that we're busy removing. Once the straw is removed and the earth begins to dry out, we can work with the Grelinette. Still, a couple of square metres per visit is enough. Gradually we're taking control of the garden again. For more info about the Grelinette, or broadfork, look at this site. Winter sport again Until next month, A bientôt. |
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© 2009 Perry Taylor and La Baguette Magique, France. |