Greetings cards

Impress your family and friends with an original Two Can Greetings card.

This is our Winter series.
All photos have been taken by us in the Gers.

They have been printed digitally, allowing us to make a small run.
They are € 1.50 each. Discounts with larger orders (See table below).

The greetings cards are blank inside and folded to A6 (15x10.5cm, postcard format).
Envelopes are supplied. Total weight is under 20 gms each.

If you'd like to order some cards, just drop us an email
with the name and quantity of cards and we'll pop them in the post.

See below for prices and details of how to order and arrange payment.








How to order your greetings cards

•Minimum order of 5 cards plus their envelopes and multiples thereof.
•Any combination of designs possible.
•Email us and please clearly state card titles and quantities of each.
•Invoice/factuur provided upon request.
•See table below, for total cost, incl postage and VAT/BTW. (Yes, this is all legal!)


•Cost includes packaging and postage in Europe.
•All prices in Euros.
•Immediate delivery upon payment to our account in Holland. Our bank details will be sent to you once you order by email.
•Prospective UK/US/AUS customers should email us for the prices in your currency and payment details.


No. of cards Discount Price Postage & packaging Net VAT@19% Total
€ 0.00
€ 7.50
€ 2.00
€ 1.00
€ 14.00
€ 4.00
€ 2.50
€ 20.00
€ 5.50
€ 3.50
€ 26.50
€ 6.50
€ 5.00
€ 32.50
€ 7.00

For more information please email us

Look out for the new Summer series!

All images are property of Perry Taylor and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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