Caro's notes. October 2004.

Size doesn't matter

When we were living in our apartment in Amsterdam, we felt that the space we had was not enough for the two of us. All in all we had 100m2 (for the Brits, that is about 300sq ft), to share between two cats and two human beings. In summer we were happy to have a 100m2 garden, which then served as an extra room. When Perry moved in with me, he had to put all his belongings in storage, complaining that my apartment would never feel like home to him.

Well, now ALL our belongings are in storage and we have downscaled our living space to 40m2 (120sq ft).

Here are three pictures to show how simple and compact life can be. The only down side is that you have to keep on clearing up after you, since every space here is multi-purpose. I would have never thought that I would have a coat rack as a wardrobe, let alone give half of it away to Perry! On a positive side: there are less surfaces to clean, less space to keep warm and less places to lose something.

I know that on the day that we finally get the keys to a house, it will seem enormous compared to what we are living in now. But will it be big enough for the 60m3 (that is 185 cubic ft) of furniture and boxes that will finally arrive, here in the Gers?

Until such time...



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