Hello everyone, life in the country has been rather too busy lately for us to maintain this blog, but there is still plenty to see and read. The house has taken giant leaps as the outside walls, the barn and the salon all get a facelift. We hope to pop back now and then with updates, but our website, www.perrytaylor.fr shows all Perry's work. Check the EVENTS page for exhibitions and market appearances.

The barn and outside of the house got a new coat (or two) of chaux. There will be a roof between the house and barn too by March 2013

the damp salon had all the cement taken off the walls and replaced with lime (chaux) the plasterer re did the ceiling à l'ancienne

The salon is now our den, library, tv room and Caroline's office. There is now a wood burner and subtle lighting installed. Cosy!

Our chickens. Henk, the cockerel and his harem; Queenie, Floppy, Dopey Lopey and Cinderella

Perry's is becoming more well known and we receive invitations for exhibitions and fairs throughout the SW region
See Perry's cartoons of life in South West France here

Perry and Caroline in the news
See all the news articles in the French press and his appearance on FRANCE 3 TV
Caroline & Perry had a great four-page article about them in an issue of Living France magazine. On the news stands now!
Here's a low res version of the article for you to read.
Perry's boutique en ligne
Nous vendons les dessins de Perry à plusieurs marchés ce printemps et été, dans le Gers et les Hautes-Pyrénées.
Vous pouvez également acheter des reproductions de son art sur notre boutique en ligne. Pour voir tous les dessins, veuillez aller à www.perrytaylor.fr |
Perry's online boutique
We are selling Perry's funny drawings of life in the French countryside at several markets, this spring and summer in the Gers and Hautes-Pyrénées. You can also buy reproductions of his art on his new site. To see all the drawings, please go to www.perrytaylor.fr |
Perry's graphic design site is to be found at La Baguette Magique.
Have a wander round the site. One big addition to the site is our Help & Tips section. So many people ask us stuff about moving, buying, renovating, artisans and translating, that we decided to create a host of facts and links for those of you fancying a life in France. To back it up, we've created a bookshop with loads of invaluable and interesting books on renovating, French law, planning permission, living and working in France and learning French. When you buy via the links on our site, we get a little commission, but you don't pay a penny more. It all goes towards the time we spend keeping the site updated.
So that's it for now. Grab a glass, better still, grab a bottle, sit back and plunge into the tales of life down in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

PS. If you've just discovered this site and would like to be informed each time we update the site, just drop us an email and we'll add you to our mailing list. Your address is kept only for this reason and won't be given to others.
À bientôt,
Perry et Caroline
©2013 Perry Taylor. No reproduction of text or images allowed without written consent.
This site, including all photos, drawings and text are all our own work. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we do making it. Feel free to drop us a line if you see a fault in the site, or have constructive advice to improve it. It all helps to make it a more worthwhile and user-friendly experience for our readers.
The site is made in Dreamweaver CS3 on an iMac Intel, using OSX Lion.