
Where are the Hautes-Pyrénées exactly?...



Nice is seven hours away. Barcelona is closer.


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Use Google maps to find us, here.

Try the Hautes-Pyrénées information site for more details of airports, transport and other tourist services.






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The Hautes-Pyrénées is a diverse departement at the foot of -you guessed it- the Pyrénées. We live right between Biarritz to the west and Toulouse to the east. Each of them are 1.5 to 2 hours away by car. Bordeaux is a good three hours drive to the north west. Originally known as Gascony, it is agricultural country specilaising in maize, corn, rape (koolzaad), sunflowers, duck, pigs and chickens.

For those of you thinking of 'popping by' whilst travelling through France, just remember that Marseille is five hours away, Limoges is four, so is Montpellier. If you are coming, it's a big detour, but we'll be pleased to see you.

Once you get off the motorway, the rolling hills and winding roads here sometimes make for slow going, but hey, we came here to get away from all that rushing around. The beautiful views left and right are enough to make you slow down anyway!

The main cities near us are Pau, Lannemezan, Tarbes and Auch. The market towns are Mirande, Trie-sur-Baïse, Castelnau Magnoac, Boulogne-sur-Gesse, Mielan and Marciac.

Our address is:

3 chemin de Lartigue
65220 Puydarrieux

Download a pdf here for full details of our new address and ways to contact us. Download a route description here.

For accommodation, we will be a bit short on facilities. We have just two bedrooms (one is about to be renovated), so until we improve the situation, we recommend overnighting at a chambre d'hôtes (B&B) in and around the village of Puydarrieux. Click here for some addresses and details.

Here are a few tips on how to get to us.

By Car

If you are coming from Amsterdam or England, head for Paris. As you approach Paris, follow the signs for Bordeaux. These will get you to the south-west of Paris. Then follow signs for Orleans. Your beacons for the rest of the route are as follows: Limoges, Brive, Cahors, Montauban. From Montauban there are different routes you can take. Either go off the motorway towards Auch, continue to Toulouse and then take the Auch road, or go past Toulouse and on to Lannemezan, Click here for a detailed route description. The péages will cost around €40 one way. As you get close, use this helpful map. The last part always seems to take longer simply because of the smaller roads, but take your time and smell the flowers!

From Amsterdam, it's a trip of ±1250 kms. Route planners are available from The AA in the UK and the ANWB in Holland. www.mappy.com will help you locate us.

By Plane

The nearest airports are Pau, Toulouse, Tarbes and Biarritz. Check the following airline sites for availibility.Transavia, KLM, Ryan Air, Easyjet and Air France. If you are looking for good deals, you should try Caroline's brother's company, Skybreakers. You can arrange flights and payment from anywhere in the world.

Flight time is almost two hours from Holland and the UK. A 'pick me up at Toulouse' entails a four hour, 300 km round trip for us, twice. So we ask for €100 for Toulouse, each trip and €70 for Pau. This covers the péage, petrol and the car kms, not to mention us losing half a day. Economical car hire is available at all airports and gives you and us freedom during your stay.

By Train

High Speed Trains run from Amsterdam and London to Toulouse and Tarbes. All routes involve a change of trains in Paris. From Paris, the TGV to Tarbes takes about 6 hours. Toulouse takes 6 hours. Stress free travel, no airport security and time to read your book at last. For details, try these sites.
  TGV    Thalys

By Bicycle

Are you mad? Or are you a Karthaus or Van der Grinten? Oh alright then, try this.

By Foot

The routes of Saint Jacques-de-Compostelle run right across this part of France towards north west Spain.